Follow Up Coordination
Use Connection Card Pro within your Network of Missional Churches
Use Connection Card Pro to coordinate your follow-up efforts!
Follow-up coordination can be tricky in even the smallest of churches. Even trickier as you grow and reach more people. It’s important to make sure the new contacts you make and visitors to your church don’t slip through the cracks.Connection Card Pro has created a platform to help you coordinate your follow-up efforts within your church or ministry.
Using Connection Card Pro’s Interactions feature, you can securely record each interaction you have with various members, congregants or guests. Store notes, flag if follow-up has been requested, and set follow-up reminders.
Then, quickly view and sort your contacts by follow-up status.
Anyone in your database can be assigned to anyone else in your database to easily sort and view individuals assigned to you or another leader.
Connection Card Pro was designed to help your church be more productive and connect better with people.
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