Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: May 9, 2024 4:56 PM

Admin users and group leaders can record attendance using the Connection Card Pro mobile app for iOS and Android. There are two ways to record attendance and check people in. 

Note: In Connection Card Pro, checking someone in will also automatically record attendance. Some other platforms separate these (for some unknown reason). They carry the same meaning in Connection Card Pro and you may see those terms used interchangeably. 

Method 1

Checking in Members of a Group

Admin users can check-in any individuals who are members of any group. Non-admin users who are set up as a group leader can check-in members of any group that they are a leader of. For either of those cases, open the iOS/Android app and select the Groups tab at the bottom. 

Choose the appropriate group. This is the group who's members you are checking in. In the group's screen (see below), choose "Check In Members". 

Then, choose which meeting time, small group, class or event you'd like to check them into. 

The next screen will display all members of the current group. Tap any members to place a check mark by their name. When ready, tap on "Check-in" on the top right. All selected individuals will be checked in to the event. 

Method 2

Checking in anyone within your church. 

Admin users can also record attendance for anyone in your database. Start by going to the Menu tab, and choosing "Check In People". Then, similar to the method above, you'll be asked to select which event they are checking into. And then, you will see a list of everyone in your database. Tap on names to select. 

You can also use the search bar at the top to filter results by typing part of a name. 

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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