Your Text Number, Status and Usage Information
The Texting feature is an ADD-ON. You will need to have this add-on as part of your plan to use the texting features.
Connection Card Pro’s text limits are based on the number of OUTGOING messages only! Your incoming messages are unlimited and do not count toward your limit. We only charge for outgoing messages.
In Connection Card Pro’s Texting Add-on, you have unlimited keywords! Your number is dedicated to your organization only, you have full control over an unlimited number of keywords! Using Keywords allows donors to give from their phone by texting a keyword to your local 10-digit text number to give online, allows new guests to fill out guest information with a key word, and individuals to sign up for events with a keyword, along with many more options.
Mass texts will be sent individually to each recipient (not a group chat). Recipients are also able to reply, and you can view those responses and use the number to have a direct conversation with the recipient as well.
Soft Limits: SMS Text Message limits are soft limits. You will not be charged overage fees for going over your limit occasionally. If you do reach your limit, the New Guest and Parent Alert features will continue to function, but the ability to send text message updates will be limited. However, if you do exceed your limit often or multiple months in a row, we may ask you to upgrade to the next level.
Your Text Number, Status and Usage Information:
From the menu:
Communications > Text Messaging
Here you can find your text number, your usage and status on this page.
Also from this page you can compose a new text message and view a listing of all text conversations sent and received.