Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: Jun 4, 2024 5:00 PM

Bank Integrations

Save time by integrating with your online banking!

Connection Card Pro allows you to integrate your financial data with your online banking, allowing you to easily import real transactions to your financial ledgers. By linking your existing bank accounts to your Connection Card Pro account, you can streamline record keeping and view all transactions in one place. Any Register accounts in your Chart of Accounts can be linked to a physical bank account.

Additional Bank Accounts beyond your package limit can be linked for $1 / month per account. You can unlink bank accounts at any time. To add additional accounts, click on your profile image top right corner > Billing.

Connection Card Pro uses a trusted service provider, Plaid, to connect to your bank account using your online banking credentials. Connecting to a Bank account only allows you to VIEW and IMPORT Transactions and does not enable the execution of any transactions. This feature is only available for most banks in the U.S. and Canada. ***Your bank account number and online banking credentials are never stored on our servers.***


1. Create your Chart of Accounts 1st in Accounting > Financial Settings > Chart of Accounts

To Link to Online Bank Accounts

From the menu:
Accounting > Financial Settings > Bank Account Integration

Note: Typically, the bank import page may only show about 30 days’ worth of transactions at once. To view more transactions, change the "From" and "To" dates at the top of the bank import page.

Additionally, you can set your opening balance in the account by going to Accounting > Financial Settings > Opening Balances if you would like to set your opening balance here, such as to the final balance of the last day prior to your first imported transaction.

To Add Additional Bank Accounts

Additional Bank Accounts beyond your package limit can be linked for $1 / month per account. You can unlink bank accounts at any time.

From the menu:
Profile image top right corner > Billing

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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