Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: Feb 9, 2024 9:57 AM

Creating Custom Fields

Connection Card Pro offers you the ability to create your own custom fields for your people profiles, giving you more control over the information you can store for your members, visitors, and all of those in your database! Examples of Custom Fields: Date of Baptism, Date became Member, Date of Salvation, etc.

Not only can you create and edit and manage these custom fields, but you can quickly and easily see a report for an individual custom field from the Custom Fields page!

To Create Your Custom Fields:

People > People Settings > Custom Fields

Before creating a new custom field, view this list to make sure the field is not already there, as several Custom fields have already been created for you.

Note: The option “User Profile” in the Data Type dropdown gives you the ability to link a person to another person in your database, such as a mentor or adviser.

• When selecting this option, at the bottom you have additional optional criteria you can select to select a specific Classification or Department or leave blank.

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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