Connection Card Pro’s Surveys are a great way for you to collect information online, such as a youth survey to find out what games and snacks your youth like. Collected data is viewed collectively when creating a survey.
Survey results are automatically tabulated and shown in easy-to-read graphs and tables.
Your Survey can be shared with a custom link in an email, QR code, text keyword, or widget for your website. Surveys are great for gathering information.
Difference between Form and Survey
A Form will show individual responses along with a breakdown of any sortable data that will be automatically tabulated for you. Forms are good for any type of Sign-Up.
A Survey will automatically tabulate the responses for you and show the results as a whole, rather than individual responses. Surveys are good for finding likes/dislikes, gathering information, etc.
To Begin Creating a Survey
From the menu: Forms > New Forms
Step 1: Select “Survey’ for how you would like results displayed.
Continue filling in / selecting your Survey settings in this first step.
Click on “Next Step: Form Builder” to continue.
Step 2: Build your Survey in this next step.
Give your Survey a Name – this name is for you to know which form for managing and is not the public name.
“Add Page” to add your 1st page to your survey.
Type in your Page Header. Each page will have a header to designate what that page is for or the type of information that page will request. You can build your survey all on one Page, with all of your fields on one page, or you can build your survey with separate pages, depending on the type of survey you are building.
You can type in a Page Sub-header or Page text if you would like.
And click on “Done” to go to the next step.
Add Section: Type in a Section Header (such as what is the purpose of this survey?) And click Done.
Add Field: Fields will be where your survey questions are inputted and how you would like the response to show.
Begin by selecting the type of field from the top row, this will be how you want to receive your answers, such as a text box for them to type an answer, or Checkbox if they can check more than one answer, or Dropdown if they can only pick one answer.
Preset: select a preset field if you would like that response to automatically populate a person’s profile. Otherwise select Custom Field.
Field Options: check if this field is required, sortable and the size. Any required fields will require a response to submit the form.
By Checking “Required” they must answer this field to submit their form. We highly recommend you make at least 2 contact fields, if possible, Required, such as an Email and cell phone contact. This will help prevent duplications of people.
Depending on the “Type” of field you choose above, if there are options for them to chose from, you will then fill in your “answer options” below and be able to Preview below what this field is going to look like.
Continue adding as many Fields as you need, along with more sections or more pages, depending on how you want your survey to look. You can use different types of fields (text, date, checkbox, dropdown, etc.) on the same page. The “File” field is if you need them to attach a file, such as a permission slip, etc.
Select Save when you are done building your survey.
Below is a sample survey to find out everyone’s favorite Ice Cream and Gelato for a group:
See our Video Tutorial below for more information and help!
If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.