Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: Jul 13, 2024 1:01 PM

Email Subscription Types

Not everyone appreciates getting a lot of emails, so Connection Card Pro gives you the ability to manage Email Subscription Types for the emails you send out, allowing individuals a choice in what they want to receive and how often, rather than all or none. Individuals receiving your emails will see these Subscription types when they click on Unsubscribe at the bottom of your email, where they can select their preferences.

Adding, Viewing or Editing Email Subscription Types

From the menu:
Communications > Settings > Email Subscription Types

You will find 2 preset options here already:

1. General Updates and Information

2. Urgent or Important Alerts

To Add Additional Subscription Types:

Tip: We recommend having no more than five subscription types as a long list of options can be overwhelming to many users.

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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