Connection Card Pro Help & Documentation

Last Updated: Jul 13, 2024 12:55 PM

Administrative User Roles

In the Account menu, you will see two options. Administrative Users and Administrative User Roles. If you don’t see these options, then you may not have permission to manage user accounts. Please speak to your primary account administrator for access.

The purpose of a role is to allow you to assign multiple users the same types of permissions based on their role or position. Whenever you need to change a group of users’ permissions, you only need to change the role in order to update permissions for each user assigned to that role.

NOTE: We recommend that you set up your User Roles first, as each Administrative User you add will be assigned to one of these roles.

Setting Up User Roles with the Preset Roles

From the menu:
Account > Administrative User Roles

Here you will find a list of preset roles which we’ve provided for you with some common sets of permissions.

To Edit Name or Description of this preset Role:

Or you can create a new role from scratch:

Setting Up a New User Role

From the menu: 
Account > Administrative User Roles > Add New

The name and description are primarily to help you remember what you’ve designed this role for, so give it a name and description that will make sense to you and others who are managing users.

Then, there is a list of permissions. Connection Card Pro gives you a substantial amount of flexibility when it comes to user permissions. Different types of permissions have different levels of controls. But, for each permission, the level on the left side is the most restrictive, and the level on the right side is the least restrictive.

For example, the account billing permission and the administrative user control permission have only two options. You can give this role permission to manage billing or create user accounts by selecting the option on the right. Or not allow it by selecting the option on the left.

When granting permissions, the user will receive the level of control you selected, including all levels to the left of the selected level.

Many permissions have five levels of control:

  1. On the left, is “None”, the most restrictive. This prevents the user from having any access to this type of information.
  2. “View”. This allows the user to view the information but not make changes.
  3. “Modify" allows a user to view, create new records and edit existing records, but not remove or delete data.
  4. “Remove” allows a user all of the above as well as the permission to remove or delete records.
  5. “Manage” is the least restrictive option. Manage allows complete control over the data as well as permission to manage any settings related to this specific permission.

For some types of permissions, such as person profiles, these levels are broken down into even more control. When it comes to viewing, creating, editing, or removing a person from your database, you can choose to grant users in this role a sweeping permission across the entire organization, not allow it at all, or limit it only to members of groups that they lead, or are also a member of.

Please spend some time exploring all of the permissions available. A description of each permission is included with each permission. At the top of the list when in “Add New”, you will also find an explanation of each available level of control.

Preview your Roles

From the menu:
Account > Administrative User Roles > Preview

Check out our Video Tutorial on Administrative User Roles also!

If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.
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