Creating / Recording Deposits, Donations and Income
Easily track your organization's income by recording donations and deposits in the register.
From the left menu, go to Accounting > New Deposit/Donation
Income records may be a deposit to a bank account, a donation from an individual or vendor, or an incoming amount transferred from any other account.
Selecting a Register
At the top of the page, choose which register this income record belongs to. Every deposit must be recorded in a register. Whether it is a deposit, check or transfer to a bank account (register) or a payment on a credit card (register), every income record needs a home.
Below the Account Register dropdown, you will also see the current balance for the selected register.
Transaction Details
Fill in the transaction details for this income record. Some fields are required, some are optional.
Date:(required) The date the transaction occurred
Fund:(required) Choose which fund (ledger) this transaction belongs to
Entry Memo:(recommended) Type a description of this transaction
Total Deposit (target):(optional) The actual amount recorded will be calculated based on the line items. However, if you know the total already (such as a single deposit with multiple items), you may enter the total here. This will not allow you to save the transaction unless all line items equal this total.
Attach a File
You may optionally attach a file (such as receipt or statement) to this transaction for your records.
Line Items
Each income transaction may have an unlimited number of line items. This will be recorded as separate amounts for the accounts, funds or tags that they are linked to, but grouped as a single deposit on your register and other reports.
For each line item you may enter:
Payer:(optional) You may select the donor, individual or vendor that this amount is from
Memo:(optional) You may enter a separate description for each line item
Check #:(optional) If this was a check you received, you may enter the check #
TD (Tax Deductible):(optional) If this donation should be marked as tax-deductible, check this checkbox. Year-end giving tax-receipt will only include donations which are marked as tax deductible.
Account:(required) Select an account for this line item. In most cases, you will select an Income Account. If you've received a refund from an expense you paid, you may wish to select the original expense account. If you are transferring money from another asset, you can select that asset account. Or, select a liability account if you are receiving money from a loan.
Tags:(optional) You may choose an unlimited number of tags, such as Departments, Divisions, Projects, Purposes, Fund Raisers or Events for internal tracking of income. You may also select a custom tax classification from the tags input.
Amount:(required) Enter the amount of this line item.
If you still have questions or require additional help, please contact our support team by clicking on the Help button > Contact Support.